Industrial Hygiene, Occupational and Environmental Safety & Health, & More

Jurgiel specializes in providing unparalleled, professional industrial hygiene and occupational and environmental safety & health services. Our team specializes in the identification and evaluation of hazards (in both work and residential settings), and in the development of control strategies aimed at minimizing the likelihood of injuries, illnesses, and other losses arising from hazardous exposure or “at-risk” practices
Industrial Hygiene Services - man is working in an industrial enviornment wearing a gas mask

Industrial Hygiene

Industrial hygiene services are designed to help companies anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control employee exposures to occupational health hazards. Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs) are professionals who apply their knowledge of biology, chemistry, toxicology, epidemiology, and other fields to predict and prevent these exposures and their negative outcomes.

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Occupational Safety Consulting - Industrial Hygiene Services - construction team working on the top of a scaffolding

Occupational Safety

The practice of Occupational Safety focuses on preventing injuries that may arise from exposure to workplace hazards, such as sharp objects, moving equipment & machinery, hazardous energy, and many others. Jurgiel & Associates have decades of experience in the application of exposure assessment techniques and the implementation of appropriate control measures.

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Asbestos, Lead & Mold Services - Worker in a hazmat suit and gas mask getting ready for work

Environmental Health

Existing in both commercial and residential settings, Asbestos, Lead, and Mold are recognized health hazards that demand complex management and/or removal strategies in order to protect human health and to achieve regulatory compliance. Jurgiel & Associates routinely achieves successful resolution of these concerns in both commercial and residential settings.

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Risk Consulting Services - Close up image of lots of charts and graphs on a report indicating important information related to risk consulting in business

Risk Consulting

Risk Control is aimed at the prevention of future loss to a client’s employees, facilities, fleet, and even its business reputation. Moving beyond the limitations of regulatory compliance, risk control seeks to identify and evaluate all pertinent hazards, along with the contributory factors that enhance their likelihood of producing a negative outcome.

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Legal Support for Industrial Hygiene Services - Blurred image of two men in a law office having a conversation. Brown chairs are in the foreground.

Legal & Regulatory Support

Human health and safety can be a litigious subject. For years, Jurgiel professionals have been called upon to serve as expert witnesses, assist with OSHA compliance issues, and provide input to workers’ compensation strategies.

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Communication, Training & OSHA - man in front of 4 other employees discussing safety and risk at a business meeting in a conference room

Communication & Training

The art of delivering meaningful instruction in any given subject is rooted in a deep comprehension of the material and a respect for those being taught. In that skill requires of environmental, safety, and health, that requires a technical grasp of the science along with a practical understanding of the user’s endpoint application.

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Have a question for us?

Jurgiel & Associates will help you tailor an appropriate strategy for the evaluation, mitigation, and communication of risk that eases your overall burden.
Contact Us Today!